Friday, July 12, 2013

The Story Coaster

This drawing appears in the July 14 Sunday NY Times Book Review. Thanks to Book Review editor Pamela Paul! Also, thanks to my middle school English teacher, who taught me the wonderful word "dénouement."

You can order a poster at my shop.


  1. THAT is a great photo! Puts it all in perspective. I only hope my writing does the same!

  2. And now I'm trying to fit, the books I've read into the sections in the story coasters!

  3. Thank you for making me look up the word "denouement". Great strip as usual!

  4. this is so creative :)

  5. I would love to use your comic in an ignite talk
    I'm giving for an invited conference on the e-book at the end of September! Thanks
    Dr. Linda D. Labbo
    Professor Emeritus
