Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Suburban Planning

I didn't feel like sitting at my drawing table for this week's comic. I decided to walk outside and sketch my neighborhood!


  1. Well, golly gee, if it is that depressing maybe you'd better consider lifting up your woeful life and getting down with the hot hipster doings in, say, recovering Detroit. I hear there's lots of hip warehouse space going cheap for les artistes. Especially those to whom much has been given and whose attitude is "no gratitude."

  2. @vanderleun: Hey, I never said it was depressing! There's a strange beauty in the rows of apartment complexes, half-deserted strip malls, and garbage-crazed wildlife that surround me. Plus, on a clear day I can see the mountains.

  3. @vanderleun — So anyone who doesn't like suburbia is a hipster? Get over yourself, mate.

  4. @vanerleun ...Hipsters in Detroit trying to revitalize the city? They're doing it right now. See the "Urbanized" documentary by Gary Hustwit. Can't find it on cable (something hipsters eschew) but you can find it on Netflix Instant or possibly at the SAM (seeing you live in Seattle). Enjoy!

  5. @vanerleun - get new glasses preferably without the humor blocker

  6. this is really good, its true that we as a society spend and think more on things around us than the thing within us..if we look within it will make a revolution

  7. I love the "Smart Growth" panel. It looks like half of suburban Chicago!
