Thursday, August 11, 2011

Notes on Poetry


  1. Brilliant as always!
    I also always think bearded/moustachioed men are poets and have a particular distaste for young men wearing vintage clothing who carry round notebooks in a rather obvious manner. There are lots of them here in London.

  2. So true. Rhyming poets are never taken seriously (said the rhyming poet.) Keep up the brilliant work!

  3. Haha! Loved the 6th stage of modern poetry appreciation!!^_^

  4. Good stuff. Thank you for increasing my knowledge and appreciation of poetry. Now that I know what I have been missing, I'll miss it even less.

  5. Thanks, y'all. And a note to any super-attentive readers: Every comic I draw and post to this blog has a single fatal flaw. Once discovered, the entire comic unravels. For this comic: section one, panel three should read "paleontology," not "archaeology." Okay, I've revealed too much!

  6. I'm a poet myself. When I show my works of art to teachers, friends, and parents, they are dazzled and amazed, feeling everything from deeply moved to greatly inspired. Your comic explains exactly how I feel about my own work (I even yell at myself if I come across myself in public that I don't know what I'm saying. So realistic!)

  7. Nice poetry..
    And you have used nice images also for your poem.
