Saturday, November 20, 2010

Getting Older


  1. nice comics, really. you need more audience!

  2. A quarter century? Dude, you don't know what old is!

    Great comic, though.

  3. I had the same thought. I'm reading this and relating, and then he says "a quarter of a century"! Oh, if only. You're a pup, I'm afraid. I'm past the 2/5 of a century mark. But good stuff though.

    Actually, come to think of it, when I was 25 I thought that I was old. Can I go back in time and slap that kid a few times?

  4. i'm riding up to the 25 mark in a few days. this sounds like an excellent plan of attack.

  5. I was really enjoying this comic until I got to the quarter century reference. Really?!?!
    I just hit 50 about two weeks ago and that is really "Getting Older"!

  6. I also turned 25 in November! Here's to the second quarter century of our lives.

  7. I only returned to a craving for Lucky Charms and pop tarts recently, and I just turned 28. But come to think of it, I did have a Cookie Crisp streak a few years ago... I guess it's cyclical.
